Thursday, September 18, 2008

How Far Is Too Far?

Is it fair of the media to target Sarah Palin the way that they have? It makes sense to me. Granted, there seems to be a lot of useless and simply inflammatory information going around, but I suppose that is to be expected when nobody knows anything about the woman. She was a virtual unknown before being chosen as she's only been a statewide elected official for two years in a small state that is not directly connected to the US. She had no prior national exposure, and there's been little reason to give her any, save for her innitial support for the Bridge to Nowhere.

She was a surprise and ridiculous pick. She brings very little to the ticket in terms of governance. She's not widely seen as an expert on much of anything, despite McCain's claim that she knows energy policy better than anybody in the country. She has no foreign policy experience or even any interest in it, as evidenced by her reponse to Charlie Gibson's question about the Bush Doctrine.

So no, the press isn't overstepping its bounds by "targetting" her. She was a blank canvas up until three weeks ago, and Americans deserve to know who is going to be their Vice President and potential President. It isn't the press's fault that the McCain campaign didn't vet her enough to prepare for all the stories that have come out since she was anounced. Its the press's job to inform Americans, and her being unavailable for questioning prevented the press from getting any straight talk about who she is and they've filled this vacuum by writing story after story after her. More over, it's their duty to expose her for what she is: an unqualified liar. Both her and McCain have ramped up the lying to an almost pathological level. Reporting this isn't media bias. It's reporting facts proven nearly every time either speak.

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