Tuesday, September 16, 2008

McCain's Econ Advisor Roster

While an administration does not usually have a real and immediate impact on the economy (though, in some cases, like that of this past weekend, this isn't always true), it is important to know who will advise a potential president on the economy. Here is a link to McCain's roster. On the whole, I'm not very impressed by the caliber. Phil Gramm is as much at fault for where we are now as any of the bankers, as he is responsible for much of the legislation that rolled back regulations on financial institutions. He also is the man who said that Americans were having a "mental recession." Today, Douglas Holtz-Eakin claimed that McCain was partially responsible for creating the blackberry. Carly Fiorina hid $14.4 Billion of HP's foreign earnings to reduce its tax rate. These are the notables. As I said, I'm not impressed.

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